Opening date: 14 octobre 1930 (Alvin Theatre)
Closing date: 6 juin 1931
Nombre de représentations consécutives : 272
West End:
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Livret: Guy Bolton, John McGowan
Lyrics: Ira Gershwin
Musique: George Gershwin
Mise en scène: Alexander Leftwich
Chorégraphie: George Hale
Direction musicale: Earl Busby
Orchestrations: Robert Russell Bennett
Décors: Donald Oenslager
Costumes: Kiviette
Producteurs: Alex. A. Aarons, Vinton Freedley
Selon son père, Danny Churchill Jr. est trop axé sur les filles et les fêtes. C'est pourquoi il l'envoie dans une ville de l'Arizona à majorité masculine, pour que Danny se concentre sur des sujets plus sérieux. Cependant, peu après son arrivée , Danny tombe amoureux de la maîtresse de poste locale, Molly Gray. Il gagne l'affection de celle-ci. Mais pourra-t’il battre un rival new-yorkais?
Film réalisé par Norman Taurog et Busby Berkeley (1943)
Durée : 100 min
Notes: Six chansons de la comédie musicale originale ont été retenues, plus une autre chanson de Gershwin, "Fascinating Rhythm".
Tess Parker: Olive Brady
Hotel Proprietor: Jack Classon
Sam Mason: Donald Foster
Flora James: Eunice Healy
Gieber Goldfarb: Willie Howard
Lariat Joe/Ensemble: Starr West Jones
Danny Churchill: Allen Kearns
Slick Fothergill: William Kent
Lank Sanders: Carlton Macy
Kate Fothergill: Ethel Merman
Patsy West: Peggy O'Connor
Jake Howell: Lew Parker
Eagle Rock: Chief Rivers
Molly Gray: Ginger Rogers
Pete: Clyde Veaux
The Foursome (Le quatuor): Ray Johnson, Del Porter, Marshall Smith, Dwight Snyder
Ensemble: Jack Barrett, Gloria Beaumont, Gene Brady, Bob Burton, Norma Butler, Lillian Carson, Kathryn Cathcart, Jack Closson, Arthur Craig, Norman Curtis, Bob Derden, Dorothy Donnelly, Kay Downer, LaVern Evans, Jack Fago, Jacqueline Feeley, Mickie Forbs, Bob Gebhardt, Dorothy Gordon, Faye Greene, Harry Griffin, Marion Harcke, Thomasine Haye, Virginia Kay, Vivian Keefer, Muriel LaCount, Rena Landeau, Jane Lane, Leila Laney, Lillian Lorray, Gertrude Lowe, Mary Mascher, Betty Morton, Elsie Neal, Dick Nealy, Hazzard Newberry,Kendall Northrop, James Notono, Margie O'Shea, Lillian Ostrom, Julia Pirie, Vivian Porter, Marvyne Ray, Kathy Schauer, John Sciortino, Drucilla Strain, Ruth Timmons, Nondas Wayne
Act I
1. Opening Number, Scene I: "The Lonesome Cowboy Won't Be Lonesome Now!" — The Foursome & Cowboys
2. Incidental (Entrance of Molly)
3. "Bidin' My Time" — The Foursome
4. "Could You Use Me" (with dance) — Danny & Molly
5. "Bidin' My Time" (reprise) — The Foursome
6. Opening Number, Scene II: "Bronco Busters" (with dance & lariat specialty) — Bronco Busters; Dudeens & Cowboys
7. Change of Scene ("Bronco Busters")
8. "Barbary Coast" (with specialty dance and encore) — Patsy, Tess & Ensemble; Specialty Dance by Flora & Girls
9. "Embraceable You" (with dance and encore) — Danny & Molly
10. Finaletto: "Goldfarb, That's I'm!" — Gieber, Slick & Chorus
11. "Bidin' My Time" (reprise) — The Foursome
12. Incidental: Change of Scene ("Goldfarb")
13. "Embraceable You" (Reprise) — Danny & Molly
14. "Sam and Delilah" — Frisco Kate & Ensemble
15. "I Got Rhythm" (with dance, quartet vocal, eccentric dance and encore) — Kate, The Foursome & Specialty Dancers
16. Finale I: "Bronco Busters" (reprise), "Embraceable You" (reprise), Melodrama, and "Sam and Delilah" (reprise) — Danny, Kate & Ensemble
Act II
17. Entr'Acte (Cornet Specialty) — A Singer
18A. Opening Number, Scene I: "Land of the Gay Caballero" — Chorus & Specialty Dancers
18B. Solo Dance Specialty ("Gay Caballero") — Flora
19. "But Not For Me" — Molly & Gieber
20. "Treat Me Rough" (with dance) — Slick & Girls; Dance by Flora, Girls and Cowboys
21. "Boy! What Love Has Done To Me!" (with dance finish and encore) — Kate
22. Incidental: Torch Song ("Boy! What Love Has Done To Me!")
23. For Change of Scene II ("Boy! What Love Has Done To Me!")
24A. Following Blackout ("Lonesome Cowboy")
24B. "When It's Cactus Time in Arizona" (with Ukulele & Guitar specialty dance; then girls rope number to "Treat Me Rough") — Molly & Boys
25. Finale II: "Embraceable You" (reprise) and "I Got Rhythm" (reprise) — Entire Company