West End:
Opening date: 17 avril 1989 (Prince of Wales theatre)
Closing date: ?
Nombre de représentations consécutives : 1 325
Opening date: 8 avril 1990 (Broadhurst theatre)
Closing date: 2 mars 1991
Nombre de représentations consécutives : 377 (22 previews)
Basé sur le roman Aspects Of Love de David Garnett
Lyrics: Don Black, Charles Hart
Musique: Andrew Lloyd Webber
Mise en scène: Trevor Nunn
Chorégraphie: Gillian Lynne
Direction musicale: Michael Reed
Orchestrations: David Cullen, Andrew Lloyd Webber
Décors: Maria Björnson
Lumières: Andrew Bridge
L'actrice Rose Vibert a une liaison avec son plus grand fan, Alex, lorsqu'elle rencontre son oncle, George. Celui-ci tombe alors amoureux de l'actrice alors qu'il est toujours avec sa maîtresse Giulietta Trapani.
George et Rose se marieront et auront une fille nommée Jenny. Celle-ci tombe amoureuse d'Alex, qui lui-même est maintenant amoureux de Giulietta...
Act I
"Love Changes Everything" – Alex
"A Small Theatre in Montphile" – Rose, Marcel, Actress and Alex
"Parlez-vous Français?" – Crooner, Alex, Rose, Marcel, Waiter and Actors
"The Railway Station" – Alex and Rose
"Seeing is Believing" – Alex and Rose
"The House in Pau" – Alex and Rose
"An Art Exhibition in Paris" – George and Giulietta
"A Memory of a Happy Moment" – Giulietta and George
"In Many Rooms in the House at Pau" – Rose and Alex
"On the Terrace" – George, Alex and Rose
"Outside the Bedroom" – Rose and Alex
"Chanson d'Enfance" – Rose and Alex
"At the House at Pau" – Rose and Alex
"Everybody Loves a Hero" – Harkers and Ensemble
"George's Flat in Paris" – Elizabeth, Alex and Rose
First Orchestral Interlude – Alex, Elizabeth, Rose and George
"She'd Be Far Better Off with You" – George and Alex
Second Orchestral Interlude – Orchestra
"Stop. Wait. Please." – George, Giulietta and Rose
"A Registry Office" – Priest, Friends, George, Rose and Giulietta
"A Military Camp in Malaysia" – Alex
Act II
Orchestral introduction to Act II – Orchestra
"A Theatre in Paris" – Marcel, Rose, Actress and Hugo
"Leading Lady" – Marcel, Rose, Alex and Hugo
"At the Stage Door" – Rose and Alex
"George's House at Pau" – Jenny and George
"Other Pleasures" – George, Jenny, Rose and Alex
"A Cafe in Venice" – Giulietta
"There is More to Love" – Giulietta
"The Garden at Pau" – George, Jenny, Rose and Alex
"Mermaid Song" – Jenny, Alex and George
"The Country Side Around the House (Third Orchestral Interlude) – Orchestra
"The Garden at Pau (Version 2)" – Jenny, Alex and Rose
"On the Terrace (Version 2)" – George, Hugo, Alex, Rose and Jenny
"The First Man You Remember" – George, Jenny and Alex
"The Vineyard At Pau" – George, Rose, Alex, Jenny, Hugo and Workmen
"Up in the Pyrenees" ("Chanson d'Enfance" (Reprise) / "Love Changes Everything" (Reprise)) – Jenny and Alex
"George's Study at Pau" – George and Rose
"Journey of a Lifetime" – Chanteuse, Ensemble, George, Rose, Alex and Jenny
"Falling" – Alex, Jenny, Rose and George
"Jenny's Bedroom in Paris" – Alex, Jenny, George, Rose and Hugo
"Hand Me the Wine and the Dice" – Giulietta, Chorus, Alex, Jenny, Rose, Hugo and Marcel
"A Hay Loft" – Giulietta and Alex
"On the Terrace (Version 3)" – Alex, Jenny and Rose
"Anything But Lonely" – Rose
"It Won't be Long till Jenny's a Woman" – Giulietta and Alex